World Service & Awakened Leadership for Initiates & Adepts

Your Opportunity… We are living in extraordinary times and the challenges are unprecedented. The Rishi has opened her doors for private work, with initiates, leaders, visionaries and world servers.

Spiritual Mastery & Life Legacies… A catalyst for profound elevations of consciousness, the Rishi’s focus is uniquely directed to ignite the expansions of mastery that assure a lasting life legacy. For private work contact: 928.963.4197 or

The Royal Fire of Creatorship… As a Living Regent of the Ascended Masters, she convenes the opportunity for entrance into The Universal Halls of Creatorship, a rare opportunity for access to the Akasha of the Masters for advanced sacred knowledge.

Royal Fire Memberships…  Royal Fire Membership provides in-depth insight from the Rishi, private retreats and collaborative endeavor that are designed to accelerate the greatest degree of spiritual growth in a single lifetime.

The Sedona Mission…. Sedona is a renown international epi-center for spiritual awakening, enlightened community and global guardianship. Directed  by the Ascended Masters, the Rishi’s Sedona Mission is a visionary undertaking and a highly worthy cause for collaboration, support and funding.

The Rishi Teachings… Access to the Rishi’s online teaching archives provides an extraordinary repository of enlightened teachings,  divine discourses, and guided meditations. Offered at three progressions of subscription: 1st, Gold ~ The Hall of Wisdom.  2nd, Platinum~The Hall of Illumination. 3rd, Diamond~The Hall of Creatorship.

For the few who will influence the many…


Our beloved Rishi is a Regent of the Spiritual Hierarchy whose life is dedicated to the awakening of initiates during the momentous time of the externalization of the ascended masters into world awareness. Dedicated to the deep wisdom of sacred knowledge for global transformation, this website offers an overview of The Rishi’s  private programs and her visionary mission in Sedona, Arizona.

For private work contact: 928.963.4197 or 480.575.1276

We invite you to take your time to explore and discover the enrichment that is yours to unfold. An experiential teacher at its finest, she offers true food for the soul and an unparalleled divine encounter for the integrated mastery that fosters unity consciousness. *For optimum benefit, this website is best viewed on a larger screen device. 


For the Few Who Will Lead the Many


Private Retreats & Programs with the Rishi

Sedona Gateway Retreats 
Mastery for Awakened Leaders
Omega Women’s Initiative 
Royal Fire Mentorships
Omni Meditation Training

The Sedona Mission…. In addition to programs with the Rishi, her presence in Sedona is a rare opportunity for collaboration & divine service. As the light that stands behind world servers, and spiritual protégés, the Mataji Rishi is a beacon of clarity and a profound catalyst for igniting legacy lifetimes that are grounded and integrated. Her in-depth insight into the working out of personal intricacies, as well as the global circumstances of modern times gives true meaning to private work with a regent of the ascended masters.


~attendance by application~

~private sessions by appointment~

~mentorships by acceptance~

“To keep it simple – Sacred space, enlightened being, profound experience, immaculate teachings. Boundless gratitude!!!”
Sharon Henry, Transpersonal healer/counselor
“This was the most inspirational, life-changing week of my life – far, far more real, light-filled, powerful, productive, and effective than any Big Box program and I’ve attended many. You are the real deal. You are the one who made the difference for me. I’m overwhelmed and beyond grateful.”
Mark James, Spiritual teacher/author

“I’m utterly stunned and humbled. Days after, I’m awash in the light of your presence, Divine Presence, Omnipresence, Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for such an amazing retreat!!! It is hard to put into words the power and depth and completeness of this weekend! On one hand, your teachings are simple enough to guide me in my everyday questions. On the other hand, the profoundness of your transmissions light up my path and open a doorway of grace!! Thank you!!”

Alice Maquire, Meditation student

“There are teachers and then there are teachers of teachers. But, now I know why many believe that you are a master of masters. My life has been lived from spirit for decades, but you have opened new doors for me. So powerful. Beyond all words. What a gift. What a discovery to have found you. I very humbly offer my gratitude.”

Patrick Mason, Life coach, kriya master, humble servant
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