From the Rishi…
“Upon your yearning to lift the veils of higher consciousness, so must you peer deeply into the sacred learning that stirs your soul. It is your soul’s vibration, its voice of wisdom and its genius of being that is your greatest wealth in this lifetime.  Thus, by the resounding presence your soul does your mastery truly begins.”


Come… it is time. The Rishi’s clarion call to Sedona is sent out to “the few who will influence the many.”  As you walk through her door, the permeating power of a great purpose is tangible in the air. Your higher calling is the quickening that you will sense and feel and simply know to be true.

Winter 2020 Retreat Overview

The Private Retreat Experience


Four Life-Changing Days

The Winter Gateway

February 15-18, 2020

(Sorry, this retreat is full. Please be welcome to attend the Spring Sedona Gateway Retreat, April 16-19)

The  Sedona Winter Retreat ignites a new beginning in the life of your soul. It is a divine gateway in time that shifts the very nature of your reality, to become consciously aligned with your highest potential for this lifetime. It is a gateway in time that activates your greatest positives to become aligned, actualized and made manifest. It is a monumental gateway that makes a global difference. It is a celestial opening of the highest order.


Omni Awakening for New Beginnings

The winter retreat with Rishi manifests an auspicious gateway for the transmission of Supreme Light, the Akasha of the Masters and the Holiness of Spiritual Initiation. Sacred knowledge transmittal is specific to each retreat, empowering initiates to navigate rapid transition and world conditions with wisdom and clarity. Sedona Gateway Retreats are extraordinary introduction to private work with the Living Rishi and a phenomenal spiritual elevation that redefines your potential of higher purpose for a life legacy of mastery and divine service.


Offered four times seasonally each year, each Gateway Retreats provides an intensive spiritual focus for accelerated awakening and the entraining of sacred knowledge. There are four gateways that fulfill your soul’s “essential learning,” that propel your progression through the thresholds of higher consciousness,  for transcending time-bound eg0-limitation, to establish your existence in Christ Consciousness. Your transit from the density of ego to the birthright of your godhood establishes your ascension to the Great Wheels of Light. The Rishi’s Winter retreat is an extraordinary opportunity for a quantum leap forward on the wheel of divine evolution that advances your soul into the Great Halls of Illumination for initiates and adepts.

Divine Amassing ~ Divine Synthesis ~ Divine Increases ~ Divine Expansion


C0-Creation for Conscious Manifestation

The masterful teachings that the Rishi convenes the Winter Gateway Retreat includes the phenomena of Divine Increases and the principle of compounding positives to attain tipping points for conscious manifestation. The sacred knowledge of divine increases and the laws and subsidiary laws of compounding positives, empowers initiates to masterfully use all life experiences for soul-entraining. To embody the principle of Divine Increases and the sacred art of seed-thought compounding, assures not only completion of your karmic wheel, but also fulfillment of your soul’s mandates. The mastery entraining syllabus from the Rishi’s Path of Co-Creation Archives brings the light of good intentions into the supra-brilliance of purposeful mastery. Each progression of experiential entraining consummates the higher purpose for which your soul incarnated into the physical earth plane. The winter retreat is an exponential gateway that provides tools for transformation and the Methods of Masters for at-home learning post retreat to accelerate your progression of mastery for awakening and divine service.

Omni Awakening

Sacred Knowledge

Planetary Prophecy

Divine Service


Life Mastery
The transmission of Omni Awakening commences the manifestation of the Master Self, that brings the sublime truth of higher consciousness into the world of appearances, empowering initiates to be the master of conscious co-creation, rather be a slave to outer circumstances, through the principle of divine synthesis that empowers initiates to manifest Christ Consciousness.

Prime Activation
The Rishi’s presence is an immaculately igniting force for awakening. Endowed to wield the Great Rod of Initiation, she outflows the omniscience of cosmic fire, a rare phenomena of divine permeation, that viscerally ignites the Master Self that is anchored in the Absolute Being of Oneness into the full spectrum of the body, mind, soul matrix. Words simply do not suffice to define this holy empowerment.

Inner Transformation
The power of omni awakening brings a merciful closure to the playing out of the push and pull of the inner-polarities that perpetuate karmic episodes of learning that create outer circumstances of cause and effect. Healing the hidden saboteurs of inner conflict and opposition unifies the optimum forces of personal energy, kundalini and Chi, setting into motion a new life potential to love, serve and create as a liberated soul.

Divine Transmission
The Rishi is a living vessel for the continual radiance of illumination that ignites telepathic receptivity to the divine realms. Her direct transmittal of the shakti of omnipresence creates a heightened vibration for the profound quickening of Christ Consciousness, revelations of sacred knowledge, and rapid expansion through the thresholds of enlightenment.

Personal Mentoring
The Rishi brings the enlightened eye to the process of awakening the god-self abilities of the initiates who are accepted into her private retreats. New thresholds of intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance and inner- knowing are activated, to empower the manifestation of life mandates through over-lighting of the great masters.

Rare ~ Refined ~ Remarkable

Sedona Gateway Retreats are unlike any other retreat experience. Each retreat is specifically attuned to the unique energetics of your retreat group, to provide an intensified focus for your awakening, healing and ascension.  It is the unique purpose of the Rishi’s private retreats to also activate the siddhi-abilities that enhance your evolving mastery and endeavors of divine service. Each Gateway Retreat creates a living matrix of highly concentrated divine light to trigger tipping points for the succession of positives that most serve your expansion of influence.  Of monumental significance, is that the Rishi’s private retreats are powerfully over-lighted by the spiritual hierarchy and also serve as a major planetary conduit for the emanation of God Consciousness.


Tuition fee: $30,000
*non-inclusive of lodging
*inclusive of daily luncheon buffet

Sedona Gateway Retreats are open to accepted applicants, who may attend as often as desired. It is advised not to delay in submitting your application for admittance, if you are sincerely interested in taking part in this extraordinary opportunity. * A small number of work-trade exchanges are available. If you are interested in a staff position to assist with the retreat, please make an immediate request to Omni Institute, the Rishi’s sponsor organization:

Apply for Acceptance

Read Retreat Guidelines

Learn more about Retreats with the Rishi


The Rishi’s life work is mindfully monetized, to exponentialize her mission on behalf of humanity and the planet itself. The divine principle of universal abundance is in conscious activation to prosper her endeavors, initiatives and scholarships. Her private work is both selective and inclusive to embrace mutual exponential exchange.  Significant fees befitting the advanced nature of her work is required for attendance to retreats and programs, whereas attendance to meditations and special occasions is offered by donation. Merit based work trades and scholarships are offered to those who are truly called to the Rishi regardless of economic circumstances.

Retreats, Initiatives and Programs

Monthly Meditations and Special Events

Work Trades and Scholarship


Exclusive, Exquisite, Extraordinary

When the soul is ready the master appears. The extraordinary experience of a private retreat with an enlightened regent is beyond description. The Rishi’s gateways are convened solely in the auspices of private retreats, in respect of the potency of her presence, the transmittal of omni awakening and the holiness of spiritual initiation. This is the summer you have been waiting for.  This is the divine homecoming that your soul has longed for.


The Genesis of Your Master Self

Your great leap forward on the wheel of divine evolution will be activated and amplified. You will join with an auspicious group of souls, chosen to come together for this opening in the gateways of time. Each of you are individuals of purpose, integrity and substance. Each of you long for a new beginning and the freedom of an unlimited horizon of possibility. From the moment you enter this gateway, you will receive the Rishi’s igniting grace of presence. You will be embraced by the tangible experience of your timeless divinity, a potent activation that awakens the light of your soul and the omnipresence of your Master Self.


The selective nature of private retreats convenes the greatest individual illumination for awakening your Master Self.  You will be among a small group of accepted candidates, to assure personal exchange with the Rishi for activating essential breakthroughs.  This selective, concentration of  “divine focus” from an enlightened master is the defining difference that affords the greatest expansion of consciousness, as well as an optimum depth of integration. Each gathering is convened by acceptance or invitation. Whether you are attending a two-hour morning meditation, a one-day intensive or a seven-day enlightenment retreat, the Rishi’s focus remains dedicated to the few who will influence the many. The power of group synergy is a profoundly causal factor that ultimately serves the global shift of awakening among all souls.



The Celestial Initiations of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Great Masters, bestow an electrifying outpouring of omnipresence directly into your  body, soul and mind of the initiate. Many of your are having spontaneous omni-activations the world over, a merciful divine blessing that rishis and the masters make possible. “Taking Initiation” in its authentic reality is not merely a ceremony, no matter how profound a ceremony may be.  Each Celestial Initiation  issues forth  a monumental acceleration of living light that shortens the time of human suffering and the stages of the soul’s spiritual development by many lifetimes. The Rishi is a revered master of spiritual initiation. She ignites this sacred passage through the direct transmittal of divine light and the sacred knowledge that is most needed by your soul. Taking the full sequence of initiations from the 1st to the 9th, including the highest allowable, builds the light body or “Temple of the Presence.”  This omniscient endowment is the foremost means of revealing the divine birthright of godhood that is the basis of all mastery. It is also ultimately also the gateway of ascension to the immortal body. Thus, is the Pillar of Light activation and meditation method. also your sacred ascension chamber.

The Rishi Has Opened Her Doors…

The Mataji Rishi bestows the palpable radiance of Christ Consciousness and the profound phenomena of Omni Awakening. Her western sanctuary in Sedona is a sanctified global focal point of the Great Masters, that emanates a continual outflow of divine illumination. The selective nature of her private retreats and programs is designed to impart the power of accelerated awakening and transformation to those who are called to example the wisdom and mastery of authentic service. Yet, it is the undeniable light of your inner calling that opens the Rishi’s door.  It is your desire to become a divine instrument that attracts the omniscience of divine grace and power into your life, your purp0se and your legacy.



You are the Rishi’s spiritual guest when you are accepted for attendance to retreats and programs. You not only receive life-changing transformation that sets a new gold standard for personal growth, you also receive the most enhancing of the “Sedona experiences”offered in the region. The Rishi selects the most gifted, skilled and talented healers, teachers, artists and tour guides as contributors to her private work. Whether you attend a private session, retreat or special occasion, many doors are opened you, to provide the greatest healing, renewal and integration for the lasting enrichment of body, mind and soul. Our reminder to visitors is that Sedona is breathtaking throughout the year.  Every season is a wonderment to behold.  Winter in Sedona is nothing short of sublime.

Learn more about The Sedona Retreat Experience


Each Gateway Retreat is limited to a small, intimate group of not more than 12 individuals who are accepted for their readiness, karmic merit and higher life purpose. We invite you to be aware that The Rishi is committed to mentoring twelve souls into their full enlightenment in the upcoming years, making her admittance of twelve souls into each of her retreats and programs an auspicious factor that furthers her mission as a western regent. We warmly invite you to request attendance. Early request is advised for acceptance into each retreat or program that you wish to attend. Attendance to a Sedona Gateway Retreats is prerequisite for acceptance into The Path of Enlightenment annual program for initiates, adepts and spiritual proteges.

Private Sessions by Appointment

Retreats by Request and Acceptance

Meditation, Darshan and Special Occasions by RSVP


The Sublime Nature of Private Retreats

Gateway Awakening retreats are held in Sedona in the tranquility of the Rishi’s Abode of the Masters, a private estate setting that is surrounded by breath-taking vistas that silence of the mind and inspire the soul. The Abode is profoundly over-lighted by her holy presence and receives one of the most intensive amplifications of omniscient divine light on the planet. You will receive rapid elevations of consciousness, yet, it is the Rishi’s extraordinary radiance and effortless ease of mastery that is the ultimate experience that is forever yours. What she examples is your birthright revealed to you, through the perfection of your own direct experience.


Activating the Divine DNA

The Rishi provides a transmittal of divine light that literally changes the very nature and structure of our human DNA. Her shakti of divine transmission creates a bridge of light that accesses the evolutionary arc of time that reconnects the soul with the higher dimensions of our shared universal reality. Those dimensions exist simultaneously to physicality. The DNA of our full divine potential as advanced, benevolent, spiritually developed stellar beings is within reach and it is this greater potential that is the Mataji Rishi’s dedication of focus is commissioned. Our divine DNA exists now and can indeed be activated and restored to our human evolution. The Rishi’s concentration of omni-radiance has this far reaching benefit and is an area of advanced sacred knowledge that she sees as essential to attaining the supra genius state that enlightenment effortlessly elicits.


The Rishi embodies a refreshing modern realism, while also serving as a guardian of the ancient tradition. She activates a great leap forward to advance your soul to actualizing  your god-given potential, an opportunity like none other for living from what she calls “the humble fierceness” of true mastery.  We invite you to also appreciate that the Mataji Rishi is a modern master, who remains involved with her children and grand children as their guiding light. She attained enlightenment as a householder, despite being surrounded by the fray of the mundane, which is living proof of what is possible for all initiates living contemporary lives. Her life example over the decades bespeaks a hands-on response to the most critical global issues of our times, making her a true teacher of teachers and master of masters, whose wisdom and clarity as a western regent is a rarity among awakened teachers.  Please be warmly invited to submit your request for participation.


The Few Who Will Influence The Many

The Rishi’s wisdom of focus is selectively offered to the “few who will influence the many,” and those souls who are called to the great work of transformational global change. The profundity of exchange with an enlightened master cannot be over-estimated. The timing of the Rishi’s decision to step forward after over a decade of seclusion to offer private work for initiates and world servers, provides a permeating activation of divine light that synthesizes self-realization into life mastery. You may or may not be aware of what it means to be a destiny soul, but if you are aware of an inner calling to serve the new era of conscious co-creation, you are ready to receive the light of omni awakening and the sacred knowledge that will guide your soul.

From the Rishi…
“Dear Ones, My Abode of the Masters in Sedona fulfills a very special commission to provide a high vibrational stronghold for planetary prophecy and world service. I am here to bring clarity to the global orchestration that will guide humanity through the coming years of widespread upheaval, that will take place side-by-side with new opportunity and innovation. I am especially mandated to guide, activate nd  and counsel transformational leaders, teachers, healers and innovators. My Sedona Abode is sanctified as global focus for higher consciousness for world betterment.  Unto this auspicious endeavor, an enlightened unity amongst world servers is the rising star that shines the rays of hope upon future generations.”


The Divine Endowment of Awakening

The Rishi is a supreme master and guide for influential life legacies. She is a regent who ignites a new beginning for your soul’s potential. Whether you are in your twenties or your seventies on your path of life, you have been called to be part of an extraordinary new genesis. This is a divine gateway for a purely celestial upgrade of human potential that simply cannot be second-guessed or imagined. It simply must be experienced. It is then, that your greatest purposes will be revealed.

Royal Fire Intensives

Sedona Programs, Darshans and Special Occasions

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