The Rishi’s Clarion Call…
“Oh, ancient traveler, you are the homecoming from the journey that was but a dream…Oh, Chelas of Light, you are the living hope of future generations…Oh, initiates of a new world, what was perceived as a distant memory, is now revealed in the holiest of light. Once again upon its clarion resound, you are beckoned to take your place amongst the destiny souls who will build a new earth as an instrument of the divine, for there you will find your godliness manifest.”


Teacher, Visionary, Master, Guide…. We are blessed with a Mataji Rishi who opens the gateway to a new genesis of spiritual mastery, never before available to initiates until now. As you walk through her doors, you are embraced by the palpable grace of the divine and an opportunity like none other for not only the flowering of enlightenment, but for an all new potential of supra-consciousness.

Teacher of Teachers

~ Rishi Devra Adi Maa ~

The Teacher, the Rishi -- Rishi Devra Adi Maa
The Mataji, the Divine Mother -- Rishi Devra Adi Maa
The Western Regent, the Rishi -- Rishi Devra Adi Maa


A New Genesis for Modern Mastery

Our beloved Mataji Rishi Mother bestows the Supreme Light of Omni Awakening that opens the thresholds of higher consciousness, giving direct access to the master self and the spiritual realms of ascended masters, angels and guides.

Her illumination of shakti ignites elevations of spiritual quickening that stir the potential for enlightenment from a latent possibility to an active potential, by providing the omniscient over-lighting of the spiritual hierarchy that activates the phenomena of omni awakening  of living mastery. Her transmission of omnipresence accelerates the monumental transition from entrapment in the time-bound ego to the timeless wisdom of Christ Consciousness.


The Rishi’s Sedona Mission


The Living Rishi is an experiential teacher at its finest and there is no better learning environment that direct collaboration with a master teacher. of her caliber.  Designated as a global center for awakened leadership and service to the divine plan,  Sedona is powerfully over-lighted by The Rishi and the Ascended Masters, an opportunity like none other to truly make a difference. Learn More:

Comments and Experiences…

“After 27 years studying with teachers claiming mastery, I have found that The Rishi is an authentic master teacher, She is one of the few who is actually achieving enlightenment and truly dedicated to teaching with no holds barred.”

— Susan Felder, PhD. Editor, Spiritual Adept/TM practitioner

“To study with the Mataji Rishi is not for the dilettante, the habitual spiritual hobby seeker, nor for the feint-hearted. She is an experiential  spiritual master in its most perfected form. Her very presence is electrifying and for me it is a palpable, undeniable, profound encounter. I realized how stupid I would be to accept anything less than this. There are no half measures. The gratitude and love that I feel towards the Rishi for bringing me to the place of decision, to pledge my life, my all, not only to my own awakening but to global awakening is immeasurable.”

— Susan Halliday, Ph.D. Humanitarian Activist /Dedicated Seeker



Exclusive, Exquisite, Extraordinary

The Rishi is a reclusive spiritual master whose audiences, retreats and programs in Sedona are convened solely in the sanctity of her private sanctuary to preserve the sacred nature of divine transmission and depth of personal exchange that an enlightened master fosters.

She offers the profound opportunity of private sessions and mentorships, a rarity that she conveys due to the critical role that initiates and awakened leaders will play at this historic time of global change and upheaval. In keeping with her dedication to the feminine principle, women of purpose receive the Rishi’s special focus.

In the tradition of masters and sages, admittance into her direct auspices is offered to sincere applicants by request and acceptance.

Private Retreats and Programs by application

Private Sessions by appointment

Mentorships by Request and Acceptance via


with Rishi Devra Adi Maa

“for the few who will uplift the many”

The Rishi Devra Adi Ma is dedicated to global transformation. The potency of her grace is a dynamic experience that cannot be put into words. She moves from the sublimely divine, to the pragmatics of practical wisdom with seamless ease. Her comprehension of human dynamics and international affairs is nothing less than a remarkable brilliance, synthesized in the profound magnitude of her timeless presence, bringing the hallmark of universal principles to all that she engages. Her unique mission is to guide the actualization of legacy lifetimes for awakened souls, as the nature of her programs in Sedona so aptly demonstrate.

Sedona Programs for Legacy Lifetimes

The Omega Council

The Path of Enlightenment

True North Leadership


Royal Path Master Teachings

The Mataji Rishi is the author of Royal Path Master Teachings, renowned as one of the most illumined repositories of enlightened teachings in the world. An exquisitely experiential master, she convenes an extraordinary command of the divine sciences and an enriching syllabus of sacred knowledge formulated by the spiritual hierarchy that includes over thirty years of her transmissions and discourses.

Access to her sacred archives is offered on a subscription basis through three levels of membership, from initial inroads of sacred knowledge for the novice… to divine transmissions from the Universal Akasha of the Great Masters…  and to the inner sanctums of the Halls of Creation for adepts and arhats.

The Rishi Teachings

Rishi’s YouTube Channel 

Rishi’s Audio Sound Cloud Channel

Coming Soon… Royal Path Archives Memberships


The Unity of Souls & Nations

After many years of quietude and seclusion, the Rishi has stepped forward to accept sincere initiates into her auspices in the spiritual mecca of Sedona. She welcomes those who are compelled by the inner imperative to serve as awakened instruments of the divine. She is sanctified in her the role as Regent of the New Americas, foretelling a time when North, South, and Central America will be unified in the common welfare of all souls.

As a revered executor of the Divine Plan, she is assigned the “Great Work” of guiding humanity through an extraordinary time of global upheaval and profound transformation that charts a new course for a thriving, peaceable fellowship amongst souls, peoples and nations.


The Solar Doctrines

The Rishi’s most rarefied teachings are potent transmittals reserved solely for initiates and spiritual proteges’ who are in readiness to absorb advanced master teachings. Her sacred manuscripts are printed hard-bound, limited editions, are not sold commercially, but rather are gifted through private distribution. Her most rarefied solar doctrines and her treatise on the sacred mysteries of The Royal Path are holy works that are gifted directly from the master’s hand to the awaiting hearts of the destiny souls who will lead the way during the coming decades of global change and the new genesis of spiritual awakening.

The Mataji Rishi is a western luminary who underwent a rapid transit of enlightenment in the early nineties, followed by the extraordinary illumination of yogic death in 2003, after which she retreated from public life.  Spending over a decade fulfilling a holy commission to author in-depth bodies of sacred knowledge, her sabbatical bore the fruit of three landmark manuscripts, a treatise on The Celestial Initiations, The RoYal Path of Creation Guardianship and the jewel of jewels, The Book of Time. After over a decade of reclusive private work, 2021 will mark a historic milestone as she opens her doors in Sedona, Arizona to accept initiates into the direct purposes of the Great Masters for this time of ascension and global transition.

The Initiate’s Path of Gold
The Divine Science of Celestial Initiation
Pre-Order Here

Mataji Rishi, also know as Dr. Devra Patton West, DD


Mataji Rishi

Devra Surya Sai Adi Maa Durga Devi

“Rishi” is a revered eastern namesake, indicating the royal raja of enlightenment that she has brought into a profound practicality of modern mastery, seamlessly unifying the spiritual and material worlds.

“Mataji” is a revered name meaning holy mother, female master.

“Devra” means priestly warrior. “Surya" means solar deity or sacred sun. “Sai” means mother/father deity. “Adi” means the higher dimensional plane of unity and diversity. “Durga” means the hindu goddess who slays negativity. "Devi” means divine presence in human incarnation.

Over the years she has been endearingly referred to as Surya Maa, Rishi Maa, Mataji Devra or simply Maa. She has also been introduced as Dr. Devra Patton West, DD, in formal settings in honor of her status as a pendant of the divine sciences and transpersonal psychology.

In the tradition of the Kali Maa Durga goddess, the Rishi is joyously celebrated as a slayer of illusion and protector of innocence, as the Durga aspect of her so aptly conveys. Like petals on a garland, the English translation of her name essentially means  “revered solar master, divine mother-father presence, Kali Maa Devra spiritual warrior, slayer of illusion, embodied deity of oneness.”

The Ascended Masters endearingly refer to her as...


Read more about the Rishi’s life and history

Read more about Rishi's names

From the Rishi and the Masters…
“The power of divine genesis is sweeping all spectrums of the universe and soon you will be united with all of us who have watched over you for eons. You are the few who will uplift the many. As you awaken, you will discover that you are the visionaries and builders of a new world. We are one with you, making manifest the Promise of the Ancient of Days for the merging of Heaven and Earth and your entrance upon the wheels of a new genesis. For there, you will find yourself as you truly are and have even been, the timeless Atman of Christ Consciousness. There, you will discover that endowment of the god-self abilities fulfills your own oath unto yourself.”
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