~Sedona Job Offers~

Are you looking for meaningful work with a higher purpose?


Omni Institute for the Divine Sciences has newly transitioned our operations from Scottsdale to Sedona and are looking to expand our staff during an exciting time of growth and new opportunity. Our organization sponsors the impeccable life work of the Living Rishi, her website, her teachings and her endeavors on behalf of humanity. Our mission is to embody a genuine joy of excellence in business, finances, administration and operational orchestration. As an enlightened master, the Rishi provides an unrivaled VIP learning environment for the meditation, spiritual awakening and personal transformation experience. Her focus on awakening and leadership initiatives is geared toward an exponential global benefit. Her divine mandate to focus on “the few who will uplift the many” is timely and of great significance, as an overarching  intention to fostor genuine, benevolent planetary stewardship for all sentient beings. Our mission is to fulfill our greatest possible higher purpose by cultivating a spirit of genuine service and mastery with all that we do.


Our focus is higher consciousness education and the provision of services to assure an optimum, uplifting learning experience for the Rishi’s seekers, students, clients and project partners. We are a spiritually, socially, environmentally conscious company, who endeavors to example the principles of enlightened enterprise. Our intention is to create a mindful, service-oriented company culture in all ways possible. Behind all that we do, is the aspiration for an enlightened humanity and a peaceable, sustainable planet.

We are looking for polished professionals from the Sedona area with heart, vision and integrity to take our company operations to the next level of excellence, to provide the Rishi’s guests, students, clients and supporters the most positive, enriching and memorable experience, whether they are receiving a private session, attending a 7-day retreat, a 2-hour meditation or are working with us on an ongoing basis in allied collaboration on projects and initiatives. A global, progressive perspective is essential.


We aspire to serve the Rishi’s vision of purpose by striving for a high standard of personal conduct, group synergy and contribution to the greater community of Sedona.  As an enlightened master, the Rishi provides an impeccable, experiential spiritual environment. Every soul with whom she engages is her spiritual guest and is treated accordingly. Our objective is to provide private sessions, online teachings, and private retreats and gatherings here in Sedona that are enhanced with a welcoming, highly gracious manner common to international five-star standards. We produce the Rishi’s renowned intellectual material The Royal Path Master Teachings for online courses and website posts, her IP for personal mentoring and retreats for VIP clients, advanced initiates and spiritual protégées. We provide all phases of tech and digital outreach, social media, office administration and event coordination.

Our orientation of service is exclusive, exceptional, polished and elegant in tone and manner.

Experience in the high-end retreat or spa industry, yoga center operations, five star hotels with a spirituality/healing focus, exposure or service to spiritual masters, public figures, high-profile individuals, VIP events and hospitality management for most of our staff or contractor positions is a plus. Experience with extensive financial and business management for our executive positions is essential. Experience with sophisticated tech, digital and social media is a must for our administration or marketing positions. Our pay scale is progressive and commensurate-experience based. Positions are part time, full-time and flex-hour based. Advancement is unlimited and success-based.

Job Offers in Sedona

Current Positions

Business Manager:
Inclusive of all business over-sight, staff management, and events to maintain exceptional standards for a first-class luxury meditation brand. Engage creative development, oversight of outreach and marketing, donors, and benefactors, lead project teams, update policies, prepare budgets, hire staff, review and prepare reports, have exceptional interpersonal skills, knowledge of five-star hospitality. Strong alignment with spirituality and the global higher-consciousness movement. General Manager / Operations Manager /  Public Figure Manager / Guest Services Manager – CV that demonstrates management role in the high-end retreat spa industry, luxury hotels, spiritual masters, public figures, high-profile-high net worth individuals, VIP events.

Executive Assistant:
Polished executive assistant – confident and heart-centered with a servant leadership point of view, eager to solve problems in a high-energy environment. Manage the Rishi’s master calendar, plan and coordinate meetings, teaching activiites and travel. Have excellent technical/computer skills and familiarity with social media. Strong oral/written communicator, create/proofread multiple types of correspondence. Ensure the Rishi’s affairs runs smoothly with love and kindness. Business acumen and ability to gather, distill and report on multiple data sets. Comfortable in 1:1 or group presentation experiences. Experience in executive assistant role to executives, public figures, spiritual masters,  high profile individuals, VIP events and or the luxury hospitality track.

Also Hiring: Administration Coordinator, Event Coordinator, Social Media Manager, Archive Manager, Video Production Manager:
We are also hiring additional staff for these cross-trained positions and we will consider individuals with proven experience in one or more of these areas, to work as a team for the Rishi’s in-person and online teaching presence and execute all stages of production, including courses and books, for over 30 years of the Rishi’s extraordinary teachings.

Please send resume and cover letter to 

Please Include: 

  • Name and contact information
  • Personal introduction
  • Job position interests
  • How long you have lived in Sedona
  • Employment history
  • All related qualifications, expertise and accomplishments
  • What draws you to Omni Institute?
  • What draws you to the Rishi?
  • References

Please send resume and cover letter to 

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