The Omni Institute for the Divine Sciences is a 501(c)3 non-profit.
We rely on the support from donors from around the world to keep our programs and services available, especially the Rishi’s tireless outflow of online teachings which are so essential to many souls during these challenging times.

Every seed donation, large or small, is directed toward the Rishi’s ongoing outreach of private programs and online teachings, her books and works for enlightened enterprise and her humanitarian and environmental initiatives. Your support funds and empowers her far-reaching mission and our ongoing production and preservation of her sacred archives, renowned as one of the foremost repositories of enlightened teachings in the world. We invite endowments as well as actively involved benefactors. There are many ways to contribute to the Rishi’s timely endeavors of service. The principle of Divine Abundance is foundational to all that we do. Together these worthy projects and initiatives serve the profound nature of the new potential of omni awakening and life mastery that the Rishi is here to make manifest.

As your wisdom of generosity is called into action, know that this call is timely beyond comprehension. It is a call to truly ignite a higher destiny. The tipping point of new decision is amassing. For all who step forward to seed our higher purpose, we call forth not only for your contributions, we call forth a collective stronghold of financial empowerment. With every donation, large or small, you are making the decision to be a master builder of a new world, that honors universal principle of the Tree of Life that is a symbol of abundance that serves all beings. You entrain your neuro-pathways with higher consciousness with each thought, feeling and action that becomes an instrument of divine flow.

To shift and entrain abundance consciousness, choose a morning each week to recite, pray, decree, proclaim, ritualize, and write down your abundance Call-to-Action. Write down personal and collective goals for abundance. You may recite the Rishi’s Abundance Invocation after you have completed and make good use of her abundance videos and audios. Place your “Abundance Call to Action” on your altar, desk or mantel. Acknowledge your abundance and immerse in gratitude. Your Abundance Call-to-Action catalyzes your wealth and well-being well-spring. Think Abundance! Feel Abundance! Build Abundance! Mega-charge your “abundance entraining” with the energy of love!
The Rishi’s Prosperity Invocation

From the Mataji Rishi Devra Surya Adi Maa…..
“Unto all that is benevolent and sacred, I send forth my invocation for the outpouring of the abundance of my birthright. For as I know myself to have nothing that is not of God’s grace, so too do I know myself to have everything. From my gratitude for this miracle, so does my heart outflow upon my most selfless aspirations as that which is the true power of my life legacy and thus, by divine grace does the generosity of heaven and earth pour upon me. I empty myself of my small wants and needs, that the chalice of My Eternal Life might be anointed from upon high for my heavenly endowments shall pour forth upon my true potential for this earthly domain, wherein my love and service shall be my lasting legacy.
By my surrender of my small self, I restore my covenant with the great light of the Christ Origin that loves and guides all souls. I proclaim myself in readiness to steward the prosperity of immeasurable increases of wealth on behalf of all those things that are in divine order, through which my wisdom and generosity shall be demonstrated. I proclaim the power of wisdom to withhold my providence from those things which are not in divine order. It is this supreme knowing that I shall abide by, that the Great Laws of Balance might be restored within my heart, as the means by which the Great Balance of the Life Infinite is restored upon the benevolence of Earth.
Oh, Lords and Masters of Creation and all the holy ones who stand at the gateways of time as the guardians of the worlds, I proclaim myself as a wealth-builder for world good from which the generosity of the awakened heart will rise undaunted in this holy hour of the Clarion Call upon humanity. Oh Supreme Creator of the Most High, I proclaim myself as an instrument of the Christ Presence through which an almighty prosperity shall flow. So too, do I also proclaim myself as the servant of the abundance of faith and generosity that is the true wealth of this world.
Thus, I invoke the Law of Ten on behalf of world good that this outflow might be dedicated to divine service unto my fellow humankind, that the chalice of my prosperity might be filled again tenfold and by many multiples, upon the multiples. So too, do I stand in the resounding divine power that calls forth for the gateways of wealth and prosperity to be opened. May Thy Holy Will manifest an unending abundance to flourish upon future generations.”
Copyright © 2015 Rishi Devra Adi Maa, founder of The Rishi Teachings, Royal Path Master Teachings and Omni Institute for the Divine Sciences.
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